Windows Forms Controls

Button Control (Windows Forms)

Presents a standard button that the user can click to perform actions.

CheckBox Control (Windows Forms)

Indicates whether a condition is on or off.

CheckedListBox Control (Windows Forms)

Displays a list of items with a check box next to each item.

ColorDialog Component (Windows Forms)

Allows the user to select a color from a palette in a pre-configureddialog box and to add custom colors to that palette.

ComboBox Control (Windows Forms)

Displays data in a drop-down combo box.

ContextMenu Component (Windows Forms)

Provides users with an easily accessible menu of frequently used commandsthat are associated with the selected object.


DataGrid Control (Windows Forms)

Displays tabular data from a dataset and allows for updates to the datasource.

DateTimePicker Control (Windows Forms)

Allows the user to select a single item from a list of dates or times.

Dialog-Box Controls and Components (Windows Forms)

Describes a set of controls that allow users to perform standardinteractions with the application or system.

DomainUpDown Control (Windows Forms)

Displays text strings that a user can browse through and select from.

ErrorProvider Component (Windows Forms)

Displays error information to the user in a non-intrusive way.

FolderBrowserDialog Component (Windows Forms)

Displays an interface with which users can browse and select a directoryor create a new one.

FontDialog Component (Windows Forms)

Exposes the fonts that are currently installed on the system.

GroupBox Control (Windows Forms)

Provides an identifiable grouping for other controls.

HelpProvider Component (Windows Forms)

Associates an HTML Help file with a Windows application.

HScrollBar and VScrollBar Controls (Windows Forms)

Provide navigation through a list of items or a large amount ofinformation by scrolling either horizontally or vertically within anapplication or control.

ImageList Component (Windows Forms)

Displays images on other controls.

Label Control (Windows Forms)

Displays text that cannot be edited by the user.

LinkLabel Control (Windows Forms)

Allows you to add Web-style links to Windows Forms applications.

ListBox Control (Windows Forms)

Allows the user to select one or more items from a predefined list.

ListView Control (Windows Forms)

Displays a list of items with icons, in the manner of Windows Explorer.

MainMenu Component (Windows Forms)

Displays a menu at run time.

MonthCalendar Control (Windows Forms)

Presents an intuitive graphical interface for users to view and set dateinformation.

NotifyIcon Component (Windows Forms) Juguetes educativos

Displays icons for processes that run in the background and would nototherwise have user interfaces.

NumericUpDown Control (Windows Forms)

Displays numerals that a user can browse through and select from.

OpenFileDialog Component (Windows Forms)

Allows users to open files via a pre-configured dialog box.

PageSetupDialog Component (Windows Forms)

Sets page details for printing via a pre-configured dialog box.

Panel Control (Windows Forms)

Provide an identifiable grouping for other controls, and allows forscrolling.

PictureBox Control (Windows Forms)

Displays graphics in bitmap, GIF, JPEG, metafile, or icon format.

PrintDialog Component (Windows Forms)

Selects a printer, chooses the pages to print, and determines otherprint-related settings.

PrintDocument Component (Windows Forms)

Sets the properties that describe what to print, and prints the documentin Windows applications.

PrintPreviewControl Control (Windows Forms)

Allows you to create your own PrintPreview component or dialog boxinstead of using the pre-configured version.

PrintPreviewDialog Control (Windows Forms)

Displays a document as it will appear when it is printed.

ProgressBar Control (Windows Forms)

Graphically indicates the progress of an action towards completion.

RadioButton Control (Windows Forms)

Presents a set of two or more mutually exclusive options to the user.

RichTextBox Control (Windows Forms)

Allows users to enter, display, and manipulate text with formatting.

SaveFileDialog Component (Windows Forms)

Selects files to save and where to save them.

Splitter Control (Windows Forms)

Allows the user to resize a docked control.

StatusBar Control (Windows Forms)

Displays status information related to the control that has focus.

TabControl Control (Windows Forms)

Displays multiple tabs that can contain pictures or other controls.

TextBox Control (Windows Forms)

Allows editable, multiline input from the user.

Timer Component (Windows Forms)

Raises an event at regular intervals.

ToolBar Control (Windows Forms)

Displays menus and bitmapped buttons that activate commands.

ToolTip Component (Windows Forms)

Displays text when the user points at other controls.

TrackBar Control (Windows Forms)

Allows navigation through a large amount of information or visuallyadjusting a numeric setting.

TreeView Control (Windows Forms)

Displays a hierarchy of nodes that can be expanded or collapsed.

Windows Forms Controls Used to List Options

Describes a set of controls used to provide users with a list of optionsto choose from.

Fuente : Microsoft MSDN



Presents a standard button that the user can click to perform actions. Button Control (Windows Forms) Button Control (Windows Forms) Windows Forms Controls Win







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